Creative area, Video production, Design

We have developed a 360° federal advertising campaign for SBER EAPTEKA, one of the largest online pharmacies in Russia. It will involve more channels than any previous campaigns: TV channels and radio stations, OLV, OOH, banner advertising in public transport. Video and audio commercials will be broadcasted across the country, and SBER EAPTEKA stickers will appear in the Moscow metro for the first time.


To draw the attention of a target audience aged 30+ and people new to buying medicines online. Increase brand awareness. Improve the corporate image in the eyes of the target audience, providing a convenient and reliable service.


SBER EAPTEKA has the ambitious plan to conquer the entire Russian market. Previous communications have not stood out from the information noise. Now the brand needs a successful advertising campaign so that everyone hears about one of the largest online pharmacies in the country.


TBTBO and Zhdanov Production created and produced a video commercial, a jingle, a radio commercial, and key visuals for all outdoor advertising from the metro to giant cityboards. This is the most ambitious SBER EAPTEKA campaign so far.

"The objective of the new promo is to make a strong statement about a modern, reliable health care service, where people can order medications, vitamins, and other pharmacy products without leaving their homes, and receive them quickly. For our most ambitious advertising campaign, we decided to use a recognisable melody and a game commercial, playing on the difficulties that consumers experience when visiting a traditional pharmacy.

We will also employ a data-driven approach in outreach channels for the first time: we will collect audience segments that will see our outdoor ads, and then use these segments for retargeting in our performance and OLV campaign".

Albert Valiullin, Head of Sber Eapteka Marketing Communications

A word dropped from a song makes it all wrong

To announce SBER EAPTEKA to the country, we suggested using an effective tool – a jingle.

We listened to so many songs that we recalled from the 2000s! Together with the client, we sought out a song that people aged 30+ would recognise, and which would hark back to a certain synth-pop style.

One option was the classic ‘Nazhmi na Knopku’ (Press the Button) by the Russian band Technology. But eventually the client chose a jingle based on Columbia Pictures Cannot Imagine by Band’Eros, and we think it was a great choice! This song rocks and is really catchy. Powerful beats and the benefits of SBER EAPTEKA – a wide range, reliability, and fast delivery – are brought together in this jingle.

Video commercial

A 15-second retro-futuristic video commercial was made for advertising on federal TV channels and online.


“The future always comes out of the blue. We already have live hologram concerts and hoverboards. By 2021, we had learned to shop online for everything, even for medications in SBER EAPTEKA. We wanted to emphasise this idea: the future is already here, and there is no place for old-school pharmacies. That is why we decided to bring back retro-futurism, which is perfect for this campaign”.

Alexey Evdokimov, tbtbo brand mastering creative producer



The protagonist gets her order from a normal pharmacy. Some of the goods are missing, but the SBER EAPTEKA fast delivery comes to her help.


SBER EAPTEKA is the pharmacy of the future. There are quite a lot of innovative solutions in the brand attributes. The goal of the agency was to reflect this visually (and by other means), using the existing visual style of SBER EAPTEKA and its trademark colours: purple and green shades.

For this client we sought out a standout solution, and this is why we opted for the subtle style of grotesque retro-futurism. It features the brand identity, and the catchy melody evokes nostalgia in the target audience.


Shots from the retro-futuristic warehouse of SBER EAPTEKA where a customer’s order is instantly picked and packed.


Delivery of medications

The chosen style is far from simple – quite the contrary. It would be easy to fall back on unimaginative retro or clichéd narratives, such as having the DeLorean from Back to the Future as a delivery car. We found and branded a highly elegant 1967 Ford Thunderbird that fit perfectly into the overall concept. Our agency is always striving for perfectionism, and we worked meticulously on each detail – the costumes, props, and artistic solutions for the buildings. And in the end, we are proud of this project!

Key visuals. Outdoor advertising on this project had to start long before the video commercial was shot, so we came up with a neutral key visual that was later integrated into the video. This was the brand’s signature pharmacy cross, which we made into a bright neon sign. Then, in the approved video commercial, we “hung” similar neon crosses inside the logistics centre where the plot was set.


Key visuals

Outdoor advertising on this project had to start long before the video commercial was shot, so we came up with a neutral key visual that was later integrated into the video. This was the brand’s signature pharmacy cross, which we made into a bright neon sign. Then, in the approved video commercial, we “hung” similar neon crosses inside the logistics centre where the plot was set.


СМИ о проекте


Processed With Darkroom


Natalya Parshikova — Marketing and Sales Director
Albert Valiullin — Head of Marketing Communications
Kristina Sinitsa – Lead Brand Manager
Nika Arutyunova – Senior Marketing Communications Manager


Aleksey Evdokimov – Creative Producer
Robert Dertsyan – CEO
Ivan Korneev – Art Director
Dmitry Terekhov – Designer
Darya Gorokhova – Account Manager

Zhdanov production
Artyom Zhdanov – General Producer
Ani Malifitskaya – Director
Maksim Kulish – First Assistant Director
Artur Bakulev – Camera Operator
Leonid Dyachenko – Executive Producer
Aleksey Verkhovykh – Production Director
